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Colorado Grouse and More

Trip Description

Brief Itinerary

Colorado has 13 sought-after birds, among numerous others, making a visit to this state one of the most enjoyable birding trips for bird watchers. In the spring, every birder eventually wants to visit lek sites for amazing looks at displaying Lesser Prairie-Chicken, Greater Prairie-Chicken, Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Colorado's endemic species) and Greater Sage-Grouse. The three Rosy-Finches are gorgeous birds, and their huge flocks can be spectacular. Also in the high mountains, we will help you find White-tailed Ptarmigan and Dusky Grouse. Then we go to the grasslands for Thick-billed Longspur, Chestnut-collared Longspur and Mountain Plover. Always remember, Colorado offers several other specialties, and our top Colorado guides are sure to help you find them.

Day 1: Arrival in Denver

Day 2: Early Start for Colorado Birding with High Montane Species (including White-tailed Ptarmigan and Rosy-Finches) near Loveland Pass and Late PM Drive to Steamboat Springs Area

Day 3: AM Birding High Altitude Grasslands of North Park (Greater Sage-Grouse); Plus Rabbit Ears Pass, Steamboat Springs; and PM Bird the Yampa River Valley

Day 4: Early AM Sharp-tailed Grouse; PM Bird Various Habitats to Montrose

Day 5: AM Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and Dusky Grouse and Birding Full Day

Day 6: Early AM Gunnison Sage-Grouse, and Rest of Day Montane Birding and Other Key Habitats along the Arkansas River from Monarch Pass to Pueblo

Day 7: Full Day Birding Southeastern Colorado and Western Kansas: Marshes, Grasslands and Small Forest Areas

Day 8: AM Prairie-Chickens (both Lesser and Greater); PM Birding High Plains of Northeast Colorado (with Good Chances for Mountain Plover and Longspurs)

Day 9: Final Birding at Pawnee National Grasslands and Other Front Range Birding

More details about this trip:

Detailed Itinerary

Download our detailed itinerary for our Colorado Grouse tour, or read it below.

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