Our Conservation Commitment:
We always save at least one acre of wilderness for bird and wildlife conservation for each booking. We support a range of projects in Central America, South America, Oceania (Australasia), Asia and Africa.
For each booking, we put $100 (US Dollars) or £60 aside to support bird conservation. This exceeds 10% of our effort to support your bird-watching trip.
We see this as a donation in partnership. We donate over 10% of our time to make this happen. Our customers support the project by joining in on one of our trips, and our customers put forth the funds to support these projects by paying the Partnership for International Birding for going on these trips. The amount of thanks we have for the Rainforest Trust, the World Land Trust and other conservation organization cannot be underestimated. With the leadership of these conservation organizations (and often based upon additional partnerships with a number of local organizations and government organizations), these resources can effectively be spent to protect habitat to save birds and wildlife.
Projects range in cost for the amount needed to save an acre. Acres are sometimes saved by the conservation project organizer simply buying the acre. In other cases, conservation set aside (or easement) projects help create reserves or parks to protect habitat from further development.
On a few projects, we can save over 90 acres for the resources we put aside per booking. We have supported projects where well over 200 acres could be saved for $100 USD/£80. These are often conservation easement projects, and some of these projects have help create vast national parks or conservation areas.
When buying acres for conservation, costs average about $150 USD or £120 per acre. Some land purchase projects cost even more.
On average, we saved 80 acres per booking during our last fiscal year.
Through our Save an Acre program, we have protected, along with our customers and partners, over 100,000 acres of wilderness in Guatemala, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.