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India Birding and Nature Tours Schedule



Western Ghats: Endemics and More with Leio de Souza: January 7 to 16 with optional Andaman Island Endemics Extension from January 21--SOLD OUT


Goa for Western Ghats Endemics and Palearctic Migrants with Ramesh Zarmeker: January 22 to February 5--SOLD OUT


Northwest India Birding: The Punjab, Rajasthan & Gujarat with Lokesh Kumar: January 22 to February 6 with optional Forest Owlet extension from January 20 (pre-trip)--SOLD OUT


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal and More with Lokesh Kumar: February 12 to 29--SOLD OUT

Northeast: Assam Plains & E. Himalayas with Leio De Souza: April 8 to 21--SOLD OUT

Northeast: Nagaland and the Mishmi Hills with Lakpa Sherpa or Lokesh Kumar: April 22 to May 1--SOLD OUT


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal and More with Lokesh Kumar: November 4 to 21


Goa for Western Ghats Endemics and Palearctic Migrants with Ramesh Zarmeker: December 2 to 16 plus extensions (pre or post-tour)--SOLD OUT



Northwest India Birding: Rajasthan & Gujarat with Lokesh Kumar: January 11 to 26 with Asiatic Lion Extension (plus 4 days and 4 nights) plus additional extensions


Western Ghats: Endemics and More with Leio De Souza:  January 25 to February 4 (with Andamans Extension to February 8 and Forest Owlet Extension starting January 23)--FEW SPOTS LEFT 


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal, and More with Leio De Souza: February 14 to March 3--SOLD OUT


Northeast: Assam Plains & E. Himalayas with Leio De Souza: April 7 to 20 (plus extensions)--SEVERAL SPOTS LEFT


Northeast: Nagaland and the Mishmi Hills with Leio De Souza: April 20 to May 1--SEVERAL SPOTS LEFT


Northeast: Amur Falcon Mega Migration & More with Leio De Souza Souza: October 28 to November 8


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal and More with Lokesh Kumar: November 3 to 20--SEVERAL SPOTS LEFT


Goa for Western Ghats Endemics and Palearctic Migrants with Ramesh Zarmeker: December 1 to 15 plus extensions (pre or post-tour)



Northwest India Birding: Rajasthan & Gujarat with Lokesh Kumar: January 10 to 25 with Asiatic Lion Extension (plus 4 days and 4 nights) plus additional extensions


Goa for Western Ghats Endemics and Palearctic Migrants with Leio De Souza:  January 24 to February 3 (with Andamans Extension to February 7 and Forest Owlet Extension starting January 22) 


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal, and More with Leio De Souza: February 13 to March 2


Northeast: Assam Plains & E. Himalayas with Leio De Souza: April 6 to 19 (plus extensions)


Northeast: Nagaland and the Mishmi Hills with Leio De Souza: April 21 to 30


Northeast: Amur Falcon Mega Migration & More with Leio De Souza Souza: October 27 to November 7


North India and Himalayan Foothills: Comprehensive Birding, Tigers, the Taj Mahal and More with Lokesh Kumar: November 2 to 19


Goa for Western Ghats Endemics and Palearctic Migrants with Ramesh Zarmeker: November 30 to 14 plus extensions (pre or post-tour)


Contact in the USA: Charles:

Forms and payments should be mailed to:

Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado)

Toll-Free(from USA or Canada): 


Telephone: 720-320-1974


2443 South University

Suit 199

Denver, CO 80210


Partnership For International Birding


PO Box 219

Olyphant, PA 18447

Contact in the UK: Jennifer De Souza:

Jennifer De Souza (in Suffolk, England) 

Telephone: +44 7500 185 058

                     +44 7881 685 779


The Roost, Leiston Road



Suffolk IP17 3NS


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