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Newfoundland: Premier Birding Guide Biographical Sketch

David Trently

David has loved natural history his entire life, and he has seriously studied birds and butterflies for over twenty-five years. For over two decades, he has led trips for local bird clubs and Audubon groups, first starting with the Tennessee Ornithological Society (TOS). That soon led to organizing trips farther afield, and he now guides half a dozen trips per year for the Partnership for International Birding. 


David has led trips all around the US (especially Alaska, New Jersey, Texas and Ohio/Michigan) and to other countries, including Canada (Newfoundland), Panama, Ecuador, Mexico and Belize.


In addition to birding, David spends a lot of time documenting butterfly, dragonfly and moth species for county lists. David is also involved in annual BioBlitzes and bird counts, and his advice on the distribution of certain species is sought out in both Tennessee and Pennsylvania. He has been in active leadership roles in the Tennessee Ornithological Society, Lackawanna Audubon Society and the Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society.


He has worked at the University of Tennessee in the Entomology and Plant Pathology Department. He has an M.S. degree from UT and a B.S. in biology research from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.


David now lives in his home state of Pennsylvania, where he works full-time for the Partnership for International Birding. As a partner in the Partnership for International Birding, he is more than happy to guide anywhere in the United States and/or host a birding trip in most any country.

More Details:

Bill Schmoker 

Bill is known in the birding community as a leading digital photographer. Since 2001 he has built a collection of photos documenting over 650 species of North American birds. His photography has appeared in international nature publications, books, newspapers, interpretive signs, web pages, advertisements, corporate logos, and as references for art works. Also a published writer, Bill wrote a chapter for Good Birders Don't Wear White, is a past Colorado/Wyoming regional editor for North American Birds and is proud to be on the Leica Birding Team. Bill is especially fond of his involvement with the ABA's Institute for Field Ornithology and Young Birder Programs. Bill is a popular birding guide, speaker, and workshop instructor, and teaches middle school science in Boulder, Colorado. When he isn’t birding he enjoys family time with his wife, son and labradoodle.

Bill studied geology at Colorado State University, earned a BS in earth science education at the University of Northern Colorado and an MA in secondary science education at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Contact in the USA: Charles:

Forms and payments should be mailed to:

Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado)

Toll-Free(from USA or Canada): 


Telephone: 720-320-1974


2443 South University

Suit 199

Denver, CO 80210


Partnership For International Birding


PO Box 219

Olyphant, PA 18447

Contact in the UK: Jennifer De Souza:

Jennifer De Souza (in Suffolk, England) 

Telephone: +44 7500 185 058

                     +44 7881 685 779


The Roost, Leiston Road



Suffolk IP17 3NS


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