Birding Northern Queensland:
Atherton Tablelands, Great Barrier Reef, and More
Cairns in Queensland is one of the world’s premier birding hot spots; 430 species of birds have been recorded in this region of North Queensland which is more than half the bird species of the entire continent.
Expect a good variety of resident and migratory waders on mudflats viewed from the boardwalk along Cairns Esplanade.
More Details:
Explore Coastal Lowland Rainforests by boat along the Daintree River, looking for species such as Great-billed Heron and Papuan Frogmouth.
See corals and tropical fish at the Great Barrier Reef from a semi-submersible boat at Michaelmas Cay, with opportunities to view seabirds such as terns, noddies, boobies, and frigatebirds up close.
Further afield, visit the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site to explore the remnant rainforests of the Atherton tablelands for North Queensland endemic birds, including Victoria’s Riflebird and Golden Bowerbird.
Opportunities of spotlighting, with the chance to see a wide selection of nocturnal birds and mammals.
15 Days: 10,650 AUD, $6,830 USD
20 Days: 13,650 AUD, $8,750 USD
Best Deal this Module: 5280 AUD ($3,380 USD)
Group Size: Price is based on a group size of 7 or 8 participants
Upcoming Dates:
May 15 to 22, 2025
October 14 to 21, 2025
Magpie Goose, Latham’s Snipe, Emu, Diamond Dove, Squatter Pigeon, Apostlebird, Australian Bustard, Great-billed Heron, Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Rainbow Lorikeet, Papuan Frogmouth, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo, Superb Fruit Dove, Helmeted Friarbird, Radjah Shelduck, Crimson Finch, Chestnut-breasted Munia, Green Pygmy Goose, Black Swan, Maned Duck, Australasian Grebe, Black-Cockatoo, Green Oriole, Black Butcherbird, Varied Triller, Torresian Imperial-Pigeon, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Silver Gull, Australian Pelican, Royal Spoonbill, White-faced Heron, Little Curlew, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Terek Sandpiper, Red-necked Stint, Great Knot, Red-capped Plover, Curlew Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Wandering Tattler, Beach Stone-curlew, Tawny Frogmouth, Australian Bustard, Galah, Little Corella, Red-winged Parrot, Great Bowerbird, Northern Fantail, Lovely Fairywren, Blue-winged Kookaburra, Brown Treecreeper. Chowchilla, Eastern Whipbird, Spotted Catbird, King Parrot, Barred Cuckooshrike, Red-backed Fairywren, Laughing Kookaburra, Tawny Grassbird, Tooth-billed Catbird, Golden Whistler, Yellow-breasted Boatbill, Mountain Thornbill, Atherton Scrubwren, Bridled Honeyeater, Macleay's Honeyeater, Gray-headed Robin, Eastern Whipbird, Yellow-throated Scrubwren, Spotted Catbird, Wompoo Fruit-Dove, Victoria’s Riflebird, Lovely Fairywren, Crimson Finch, Southern Cassowary, Fernwren, Bower’s Shrikethrush, Atherton Scrubwren, Barn Owl, Australasian Grass-Owl,Sooty Owl, Rufous Owl, Barking Owl, Australian Masked-Owl and Southern Boobook